Worth It All

Image by David Yonatan González Aburto from Pixabay

“I will never leave you;

I will never forsake you.”

These words of Christ are true,

Even when life deals its worst to you.

One thing is certain,

and two things are true.

The love of God is amazing;

He’ll always be there for you. 

Pain upon pain.

Sadness and despair.

Hurt beyond hurt.

These do not diminish the worth.

The worth of knowing God.

The joy of walking with Him,

Even when all seems dim.

Hope remains for strength in this life

And in the life to come.

It will be worth it all when He opens His arms

And say in that day of days,

“Welcome home my servant, well done!” 

Inspiration: Poem reflecting on one’s walk with Christ with its many ups and downs; looking forward to the eternal reward of heaven. Based upon “2 Cor. 4:17 – For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.”

© 2024 The Refined Poet. All rights reserved.


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